Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Saving Your Home from Bank Foreclosure!!

An unexpected financial crunch can leave you wondering how you're going to pay your mortgage. Perhaps you've lost your job or had a medical emergency that's left you unable to work for a while. Its scary! If you've missed several payments and the bank is threatening foreclosure, try not to lose your head. There are usually other options. Here's how you can help to avoid foreclosure until you get back on your feet. **Explain Your Situation** Although it can be tempting to hide in a corner screening those scary phone calls from the bank, the last thing you want to do when you need financial help is cut off the lines of communication. Pick up the phone and talk, explaining your situation in detail. If the bank has stopped calling you, call them up instead. Most banks are reasonable once you start to talk things out and will be willing to arrange adjustments in your mortgage payments until you're financially stable again, or even give you an extended grace period to put them on hold temporarily. Read more...

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